HiDPI support on Windows?

As a long time database developer and IntelliJ/ReSharper user I was very excited to see the 0xDBE announcement, and my first impression is very good.

However, "for historical reasons" I need to run it under Windows inside a Fusion VM on a Retina MacBook Pro. This results in a fairly blurry result. I've found that IntelliJ IDEA supports a HiDPI mode. Does something similar exist for 0xDBE?


Please watch/vote the issue from the IDEA issue tracker: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-117729


Have there been any updates on this? I am currently looking at Datagrip vs Oracle's SQL developer and one of the issues I have is HiDPI support.

I know that Intellij has the HiDPI support in 15 but it appears the options are not in Datagrip yet. Screen is all but unusable for me.



DataGrip has the same HiDPI support as IntelliJ IDEA 15 version. There have been issues hovever reported when using non-default font size. Could you add more information on the problem and your monitor setup? Screenshots would be helpful. Thanks.

Do you have problems only with DataGrip but IDEA works?


It is only with Datagrip. Intellij 15 and Webstorm handle HiDPI fine on my computer.

I can add screen shots once I get home but I did check font size last night and did not make any changes to the defaults. It appears the font is 24pt. I remember dealing with this before Intellij had great support baked in and my eyes are having flashback fatigue :)


Thanks. Would you please also attach idea.log https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085 after IDE restart.

Do you have one monitor?


The computer that is having the scaling issues is a laptop with a "4k" touchscreen display running Windows 10.

Updated post with idea.log and screen grabs

Message was edited by: Nathan Maynes


Do you have same Editor Colors & Fonts settings in IntelliJ IDEA? Is the problem that Editor font is too small (see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-144447 , https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-148053 ), does increasing its size solve the issue?


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