IDEA13 "Class not found:" when running an ordinary grails unit test
I am using IntelliJ 13.0.1
I have a simple unit test in Grails.
class VerseTests {
void testSomething() {
fail "Implement me"
When I run it as a JUnit test it fails with error message
Class not found: "VerseTests"
I can run it as a grails test but I want to run it with Junit, it's faster. I am pretty sure that I have managed to run grails unit tests with JUnit after upgrading to IDEA13.
Thx /Lasse
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On Mac OsX 10.9.1 by the way.
Also experiencing this issue. Any resolution?
Looks very similar to
I am also experiencing the same problem. It is a Grails project where pom=true is set in BuildConfig.groovy.
Also running IDEA 13.1.3 on OS X 10.9.3 with JDK 1.7.0_40
When I run IDEA 13.1.3 an error seems to occur. it was interrupted for a long time
Donkey Kong