Transpose function
I use the Transpose function often when editing records. I have two suggestions for improvement:
- show the selected record in the Data View
Now, the view always starts with record 1 and the selected record is only visible when scrolling - add the Transpose function to the Data View context menu (I use a keyboard shortcut now)
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Hello Chris,
Do you mean that when you select a row before the transpose and when you transposed the view the selected record was in a sight? This is actually works for me: selected recored is visible after I transposed the view. If it is not working, please specify your invironment: OS, Java you are using. You can just attach the idea.log after IDE restart.
Would you use it and it would be more convenient than a shortcut?
I select record 15 in the Data view (row-wise) and click Transpose. In the Transpose view (column-wise) there is only room for 8 records and it always starts with record 1 (or is there a setting I don't know about?). Then I have to scroll horizontally to get to record 15, which is selected.
My suggestion is, to start the Transpose view with the selected record 15, so I don't have to scroll.
Using the context menu would be quicker, because I use the mouse(wheel) to select a record in the Data view. To swicth to Transpose, I would not have to move the mouse or switch to the keyboard for a shortcut.
Just to make sure: when you say record 15 you mean that this is column 15 now after the transpose, right? :)

If it does not work for you, then looks like a bug, please confirm. Thanks.
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The screenshots are correct. But when I switch to Trasnspose, the Transpose view starts with the first record, while I would like to see the selected record (15) immediately, without having to scroll to it.
Chris, I see selected column (as on the 2nd screenshot) without scrolling. Can you please attach your screenshots?
Andrey, the problem is solved.
I have to select the complete record by clicking in the leftmost column of the Dataview. What I did, was click in a column, so only that column was selected.
When I select the record, it is shown in the Transpose view.
Thanks for the assistance.