Trailing line comment formatting still broken
There are cases where we want to add a simple trailing comment to the end of the line:
var state = List.empty[Int] // will be filled later
val id = computeId()
The IntelliJ formatter doesn't seem to support this. When you reformat (unless you enable "Keep when reformatting: Line breaks"), it will nonsensically move the trailing comment to the next line, which can be very misleading.
var state = List.empty[Int]
// will be filled later
val id = computeId()
This is a known issue, reported in this forum 4 years ago (, and elsewhere (,
I'm posting in the vague hope that it will help bring some attention to it. Or does somebody have a solution?
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Ugh, it's still broken as far as I can tell as well.
Still a problem with Scala in 2022.