Extractors not extracting
With the previous version (which had the dedicated Copy/Save button on the Results pane which seemed more convenient), I could choose Copy All to Clipboard and it would grab all results. With the new version installed today (138.2221.3 Natasha), right-clicking on the result table and selecting 'Copy all to Clipboard' doesn't put anything on my clipboard. Choosing 'Save to file' just creates a blank file. I can select the table, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C but it just grabs as many results as I have set for my "Result page size" setting. Any ideas?
Not likely related, but I get an error about a module unable to be loaded - %USER%\.0xDBE10\config\projects\default\.idea\default.iml
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Am I correct that you use "SQL Update Statements" extractor, and your query is not "select * from some_table", but "select some, columns from some_table"?
I tried it with a simple query ( SELECT group_id, owner_id FROM group; ). I have tried tab, csv and SQL Insert Statements extractors. They each do the same thing. I run my query, then right click on my Results table and choose Copy All to Clipboard or Save All to File. In the previous version there was a dropdown on the Results toolbar to do the Copy/Save.
> In the previous version there was a dropdown on the Results toolbar to do the Copy/Save.
Do you mean in this version there is _no dropdown_? For me it's present.
I can reproduce the issue with SQL Updates, but not with CSV. I've created the issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-821. Please take a look. When you have the same DDL, and same queries, do you observe any difference? I mean, does it work with CSV, for example (for me it works).
Thank you,
Alexander, I am also having this same issue.
The dropdown that had Save to file/copy all is gone - I can get the options if I right click in the data grid somewhere, but as was mentioned the drop down seemed more convenient.
Save to file does not save anything, it just creates a blank file. The clipboard only appears to copy what is being shown in the data grid - not ALL results from the query. It only copies the 500 rows that I have my datagrid limited to. I also noticed that it doesn't run the query to get the rest of the results when you select copy all - likely the reason why it only copies the first 500.
I ran the queries side by side with 0xDBE and IntelliJ, and 0xDBE is definitely broken in this new build.
Unfortunately I use that function about 100 times a day, so I'll have to revert back to the past build or IntelliJ.
I have provided an update in the issue tracker but it seems to be caused by a result set being larger than the page size setting.

> Do you mean in this version there is _no dropdown_? For me it's present.
The previous build I was on had dedicated flyout (blue page overlaying gray next to extrator) for the Copy All and Save All functions like the one in this screenshot:
It doesn't seem as intuitive to select a data grid with 500 rows (max page size), choose Copy All and get the more results than are displayed in the grid. The separate button makes it seem like it will grab all results rather just what is displayed on the page. I could live with it either way, but I became accustomed to the prior as 0xDBE lets me access many different databases in one place so I use it all the time. It really is quite awesome.
Thank you very much, created http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-826
Developers are notified about the dropdown issue.
The updated released today resolved it for me. 138.2222