Problems with Grails Project
For some reason, Grails projects for me are not able to work with the Ant/Ivy files. I've tried several versions of EAP releases but keep getting the same error.
I've looked through the full error log for Ant and the main one is:
C:\dev\GrailsIdea\build.xml:48: Unable to start Grails: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
and line 48 of the build.xml shows a red line under grailsTask as in:
<grailsTask script="@{script}" args="@{args}" classpathref="grails.classpath">
but further down another exception seems to be a bit more informative:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tmatesoft/svn/core/SVNAuthenticationException
Does anybody have any ideas what can cause this?
I've tried using Idea to create the project, I've created the project from the command line and imported the Eclipse project, I still get the same error.
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its not an Idea issue, realised I should try to create a Grails app AND compile it from the command line, still doesn't work, same error.
If anybody has a solution though I'd be glad to hear it but to reiterate, its not an Idea issue.
I'm seeing this exact same issue with a newly created untouched Grails Application (8.1.2). Just adding the ANT script and compiling produces the problem...all the libs seem present and accounted for.
Robert, have you tried creating and compiling a Grails project from the command line?
I've tried creating a grails project on somebody else's PC with Idea installed and it works fine.
It could be something strange to do with environment variables etc. but if anybody has a clue what could be causing the issue, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks Mike. I created a project from the command line and when I compiled it there I got the same error as I have in the IDE. You are probably onto something with our environments. I'll keep at it and post here if I find a solution.
- Rob
I was able to get around this problem by using Maven to create my application, my project files, and to build/deploy. This link was helpful:
As I'm running Grails 1.1.1 I had to pay attention to the post comments refering to that as well as manually tweek to the right version. Every is building fine and I was able to deploy the app and run it.
All the best,
Hi folks,
thanks Rob for the advice on using pure Maven to create the app.
It turns out the is a problem with Grails but Graeme Rocher has spotted the issue, described a workaround and fixed the issue for future releases. has the workaround, which is basically to add the following line with the "dependencies" tag in ivy.xml:
<dependency org="org.tmatesoft.svnkit" name="svnkit" rev="" conf="build" />
And everything then seems to work fine.