JetGroovy + Grails Acegi Plugin 0.2.1


I'm currently working with the Grails Acegi Plugin 0.2.1 and a Grails 1.0.2 application. IDE is IntelliJ 7.0.3 with JetGroovy 1.5.15683. After following the steps listed at, I received a compiler error while rebuilding the project:

C:\Documents and Settings\eRAZOR\.IntelliJIdea70\system\compiler\grailsapp.grailsappb28098ba\.generated\Groovy_to_java_source_code_generator\aoc_grailsapp.d30bd619\production\org\codehaus\groovy\grails\plugins\acegi\gv\
Error:Error:line (3)cannot find symbol constructor User()

Any ideas?

Permanently deleted user

You don't have Acegi plugin classes attached to your grails module. The simplest way to do so is to reinstall the plugin with intellij running - this will prompt you if you want to modify grails module's roots.


Ok did I total subversion rollback of the project to start with a clean slate. IntellIJ running I Alt+Tab'ed to the command line and issued a "grails install-plugin acegi" with the result "Plugin acegi-0.2.1 installed". Went back to IntelliJ and tried "Rebuild project". Result was the exakt same error. And I did not yet generate any artifacts for the project using the plugin. I just installed it.


I've also verified this problem with a fresh grails project generated from within IntelliJ. I just created a new grails project. Installed the acegi plugin from the command line while IntelliJ was running. Upon return to IntelliJ got prompted If the project shall reference the plugin, choose "Yes". Rebuild project -> Same error.

Permanently deleted user

OK, seems like we need to investigate it further. I'll look at this tomorrow.


Thanks. Looking forward to your feedback. And by the way. The project builds fine from the command line.

Permanently deleted user

Well, it looks like a problem with Acegi plugin: I really don't see where the definition of classes 'User' and 'Authority' are to be found


User is org.acegisecurity.userdetails.User. The corresponding class file is contained in acegi-security-1.0.5.jar which also referenced within IntelliJ through the Libraries/Grails User Library. Except for the error, everything looks ok to me. I don't understand what the problem is really. And why does it work from the command line?

Edited by: oliverw on Apr 24, 2008 12:14 PM

Edited by: oliverw on Apr 24, 2008 12:17 PM

Permanently deleted user

I see import to 'User' missing and code being red as a result.
And what about 'Authority'?
And also I don't have any idea why it succeeds - I get the error from groovy compiler, not from groovy-to-java generator.


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