Working with Grails plugins


I am working on a Grails project with the acts as taggable grails plugin. I am having problems building the project with JetGroovy.

I have a domain class such as:

class Book implements Taggable{


However Intellij can't resolve the symbol "Taggable".The symbol "Taggable" is part of the plugin. I finally resolved it by manually adding the src/groovy directory as well as grails-app/domain directories under the plugin as source directories.

Is there a simplier way for Intellij to pickup grails plugins during build time?

thanks, scott.

Permanently deleted user

In the latest version of JetGroovy 1.5 the plugin roots are added to project roots automatically upon plugin installation. Is it what you are looking for?


I just checked and seems like I have version 1.0.14394. Is there a version 1.5?

When you say plugins roots are added upon plugin installation, will this work if I install a Grails plugin from the command line? Or is there a way to install Grails plugins from within Intellij?



Scott, JetGroovy 1.5 EAP has vesrion number 0.1.14327 and can be downloaded from plugin repository only if you use IDEA 7.0.3 EAP, which is available at
Now you must install Grails plugins using command line.


I am using the very latest idea eap, but I only see 1.0.14394 in the repository. Is there some magic that must be performed to see the 1.5 plugin?

Permanently deleted user

Well, actually you need an older version 14327 from Seems like we should move the major version for 1.5 release - otherwise plugin manager cannot properly choose 1.5 over 1.0


Hi Eugene, apologies for a silly question but I have been unable to locate instructions on where to get the JetGroovy 1.5 plugin and how to install it into my existing projects which I have just migrated to 7.0.3.


Ok I have it. A sneaky right mouse click option allowed me to update the plugin.


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