Running an App Subclass
Using Scala plugin 0.6.334 on Leda 123.4 (Linux), when I create a new project via File > New Project > Other/Scala Module and create a class Main extends App { println("Hello, world!") } I cannot run the project. That is, right-clicking on displays following related items:
- Make Module 'ScalaHelloWorld'
- Compile 'Main.scala'
- Run Scala Console
- Send Selection To Scala Console (inactive)
- Run Scala Worksheet
In Run > Edit Configurations, I create a new Defaults/Application instance and try to set Main class: to my Main.scala, but this time IDEA complains that Main is not acceptable. Instead of extending App, if I create an object Main { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello, world!") } }, I can assign it as Main class: in Edit Configurations window.
What might I be missing? Isn't App subclasses supported at this moment?
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In Scala it's not possible to run classes, but you can run objects.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Oops! I really felt like a dumb. Thanks for the clarification though.