Anyone using nightly with 2.10-RC1?
The plug-in has been working great for me so far. Today, I'm trying to switch to scala 2.10-RC1. I've already got around the problem with the reflect jar and I now have successful compiles in sbt and Intellij using fsc. However, the error highlighting in Leda is going crazy. There is red stuff everywhere. The errors don't make much sense. A lot of it seems to be about implicit conversions. Errors appear without type aware highlighting enabled. Even more errors show with it enabled. Am I missing something?
I'm using the latest Leda and latest nightly plugin 0.6.278
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I would take this to mean that the plugin does not support Scala 2.10 yet. It's possible they changed their compiler interface and this is causing problems with the plugin's error highlighting.
I guess that's what I'm trying to determine. I had the impression people were using the plugin with 2.10 milestones.
My bad, some searching of the forum does indicate that 2.10 is supposed to be supported. I guess we'll have to wait for Alexander to comment.
It's my fault. And your migration to 2.10-RC1 is unrelated thing.
I migrated plugin sources to 2.10-RC1 and I forget to update dependency on scalap (which is compiled with 2.10.M7). So after added something unindexed, plugin is not working, because of binary incompatibility (it's a huge problem of Scala). I'll upload new nightly in 30 minutes to fix it. Sorry for inconveniences.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Thank you but it didn't seem to help much. It might be something I'm doing wrong. One example is in using the akka actors library 2.1beta which is compiled for 2.10. Just trying to call the ! method on an actor is red. For example:
actor ! message
turns the ! red with the message:
Cannot resolve symbol !
The equivalent call: actor.tell(message) also has the 'tell' in red.
Also, just trying to call the println function results in println being red with the same unresolved message.
Just one of many errors. Everything compiles fine.
It's same why I missed this bug it on simle smoke test, you should invalidate caches again (File -> Invalidate Caches).
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Wow! It works great now! Thanks Alexander.