Possible to look up implicit conversions?
I find the discreet underlining of method calls which involve implicits very nice. I wonder, is it possible to look up where that conversion comes from. You know you have
def test( a: String ) : Int = a.size
Now size is invoked through implicit conversion and underlined. Is it possible in IDEA to go to the conversion site? Like Cmd-B brings me to SeqLike->size, fine, but can I be transferred to the point where String becomes SeqLike?
If not, this would be a feature request :)
best, -sciss-
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Navigate -> Implicit Conversion

Ah ok, I didn't see that one. But I was more thinking the other way round, not asking a receiver to which other thing it can be converted (for String it shows me half a dozen things, and I still don't know which one is responsible for .size), but to select the method and ask through which conversion it is accessible.
The first one, highlighted, is the applied implicit view.
Ok, I see, thanks!
the default keyboard shortcut on OSX for that is shift+command+Q which conflicts with Logout Current User
I have to change that shortcut in IDEA because I don't know how to change the logout shortcut in OSX X-(
Ok, I'll think what I can do (however you know, it's a big problem to find free good shortcut...). Thank you for notice.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Ok, then I want to change default key for OS X (for others default will be the same). I checked
+ Q, and it seems it's free in both IDEA and OS X.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Done. Now it's control + shift + Q in bot OS X keymaps.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
is it possible to change the color/font style of conversions? i already use the underline for many other things
As I remember, it's impossible. You only can turn off this feature. You can also create an issue, I'll fix it (or I'll change something, this is a place, which I want to change, just don't know in what direction).
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.