Compilation Server Issue

I've been able to use the compilation successfully a few times, but now it seems to just always hang. I've looked up similar issues and they all seem to point to some timeout due to fsc. There is even an argument you can pass in 2.9. While it's possible I'm being hit by this issue, it doesn't seem to be caused by a timeout since in my case, I hit it right away. I'm completely unable to use the compilation server at all.

Some people mentioned starting fsc manually, but whenever I do that, I end up with a second instance. I can see 2 fsc instances running, the one from the plugin and the one I started manually.


I saw the same thing. I killed fsc and restarted. Then things would appear to compile but no class files were generated.

I've gone back into july with the plugin, I've gone back 322 with idea. But now my project simply will not compile.

I deleted my .IntellijIdea10 directory and reconfigured. Still can't compile reliably. Sometimes deleting the caches will
help, but sometimes not.

Its very confusing because going way way back in time doesn't seem to fix things. No errors of relevance in the logs.


Is it still required to start our own FSC, or does the plugin do this if configured to use FSC?


I'm completely perplexed.

I went down to idea 322
I deleted my .IntellijIdea10 directory
I went down to plugin 1206
I imported my project from maven
I configured to use FSC
I added an FSC config and started it
I invoked compile on on a module

I saw the typicall "loaded" messages. The compile completed with no errors. But no scala .class files are generated. Stuff was copied from resource directories.

This is using a project that on Thursday was working fine. I upgraeded to the lastest plugin (which I do mostly everyday), and upgraded to idea 481. Then I got the hung compiler and and since I have not been able to compile.

I seems it must have something to do with my project given that I reverted so far back and still the problem. But I have no idea what it might be. So I will start my purning of the project....


One thing I've learned: Without FSC configured (in settings) everything compiles fine. With FSC configured, no class files get generated. But idea says it compiled. Its like idea is not passing any files to compile to fsc.


In my case, starting FSC doesn't work, it will start its own instance, but will never connect to the instance I started, which is weird to be honest.


Yes, thats the behavior I see with the recent plugins. But I've gone back to july 15 when FSC needed to be started manually. When I run FSC with verbose, its clear that when compiling it is never used. Which in effect is the same problem we are seeing with recent builds. But if this was a general issue then I would expect a whole of lot issues posted here.


One thing I see is when configured to use FSC, if I compile (no FSC started by me) idea creates the process tree:

- idea65.exe
- - java.exe
- - - cmd.exe
- - - - java.exe

The compile then hangs. If I kill the leaf java then the compile ends in idea.

If I do start my own FSC I see a process tree like:

- idea65.exe
- - java.exe (my FSC)
- - java.exe
- - - cmd.exe
- - - - java.exe

So it seems the plugin does not care to use FSC.

It used to be that I would get an error when attempting to compile if I did not starte FSC. And this with plugin v1205 and idea 107.322.

So now I move (back) up to 1314, I configured to use FSC, don't start my own FSC, and compile:

- idea64.exe
- - java.exe (started for the one file I am compiling)
- - - cmd.exe
- - - - java.exe

Then, after the compile finishes, the java.exe tree (running scalac it appears) is stopped. So again, no use of FSC from what I can tell.

Another thing I see is that when I open Compiler->Scala Compiler settings, I have "Use fsc" checked but other controls below are dimmed. If I uncheck and then recheck the controls below are enabled. That seems strange.


Looks like I found the problem. And it was my problem as I suspected.

After a reboot of my windoze box I saw that a rouge java.exe was running at startup. Looking at the opened files it was the typesafe stack! I had installed it last week just to check it out. Appearently it registered some kind of startup script that ran an fsc. How could that possibly be useful?


Nice! Although I'm guessing this was more of a red herring and doesn't really fix the fsc freeze?


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