Downloading latest plugin for 9.x

The scala plugin page says latest stable version is 0.3.473 but the IJ Plugins manager downloads the 0.3.2093.  Why the discrepancy?  How can I force IJ to download the newer version?


It's very old information, the newest is from plugin manager (0.3.2093). I hope, we'll start update this page regulary.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


  Pls explain why is it that the plugin page version number is higher than the version number requested by the plugin - yet you say the lower number on the plugin is the correct one ??


Ok, sorry, this is misunderstanding. 0.3.5 < 0.3.473 < 0.3.2093. It's plugin build number strategy, it seems it's unlogical, and same strategy for IDEA X plugin version numbers 0.4.207 (latest version) < 0.4.1000 (this version will be in future). It seems that you are right, build number strategy should be with leading zeros, maybe it will be done for higher versions (0.5.0001),

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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