are the idea 9 & idea x plugins to be considered completely equal feature and bug-wise?


Not completely. Features - yes. Bugs - even now no (because of different platforms).
In future, features will be added only to IDEA X version, bugs will be fixed possibly in both versions.
Known differences now (regressions):
1. Problems with classes, which is not under right directories structure (this will be fixed from next nightly)
2. Rename classes is broken. After class rename constructors with name 'this' also renamed. This bug from platform. It will be fixed from next IDEA X EAP version.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


so even jetbrains doesn't have a perfect api ;)


I forgot to mention that it's not IDEA api problem. This is conflict between Scala plugin and Groovy plugin. So if you disable Groovy plugin you'll avoid problem with rename.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


I'm more bothered by the fact that for how much we pay, we get abandoned after only one year. Not even bug fixes?

Randall Schulz


the plugin is free, and the community edition of idea x is also free. or am i wrong?


I purchased a license for the Ultimate Edition.

Randall Schulz


me2. and i'll buy idea x as well, as long as i and jetbrains live


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