Scala and Debuger.
It's my first post here, so hi all.
I started work with Scala and IDEA (community at first, I'm testing Ultimate now). I can't run debuger. I have no errors, but my checkpoints are ignored. Project was created as Maven project. Script work well in Scala Console. I tried both debuger options (as socket, and shared memory).
Any ideas?
Win 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
IDEA 9.0.1
last version scala plugin.
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Did you try on small projects like "Hello, world!"?
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Yes, and it worked. Debuger don't work with scripts, project have to be "in the box" with main function.
Debugger don't work for scripts - it's a known unimplemented feature.
Best regards,
Alexamder Podkhalyuzin.