project view is buggy in the latest maia scala plugins?

Hi all,

I am not sure if it is just me but in the recent maia scala plugins the project view became unusable  for scala packages:

- scala packages with classes/traits in them sometimes can not be unfolded  (ie the little arrows disappear), making navigation in project view completely unusable. Usually it happens after a fresh start, a compilation or  menu actions (i could not find a pattern. it's also worth noting that "go to class" is still working)

- "Scroll from Source" is broken in both "Project" and "Package" view (it works only in "Scope All" view)

- java packages work as expected

- I do not experience these issues in "Scope All" view

os x:10.5
project:scala/java maven mixed
maia: 10666
scala plugin:r26641


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