Do JetBrains Scala Programmers Type <ENTER>?


Since I upgraded my Scala plug-in to 0.2.25446, I get an exception alert every time I type the <ENTER> key! Pasting a single newline (and all other editing operations, as far as I can tell) do not elicit this exception.

There are a half-dozen exception reports from me this morning (I was and am very annoyed by this).

Scala plug-in: 0.2.25446
Scala: 2.7.4
IDEA: 8.1.3 #9886
Java: Sun 1.6.0_13
OS: Linux 2.6.27
Arch: x86

Randall Schulz


Yes, we type <ENTER>
But for my installation (0.2.25446 and 8.1.3 #9886) it's ok.
As you can see in stacktraces there is It's little patched JavaEnterHandler.  Apparently, I must to write own implementation of enter handler, which I can simply support. (I think I'll do it this week, see
I can't now imagine why we have this exception. Can you send us file on which you have problems and/or logs? May be I'll fix it today (on current handler implementation) and send you build with this fix.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


Hello, Alexander,

I've attached the file I was editing when this was happening.

Randall Schulz



An update: I have not seen this exception all day today. Yesterday I only worked on that one file (SBTR.scala, the one I uploaded earlier), but today I've worked on a few others and haven't encountered this problem at all.

Randall Schulz


I haven't any idea what caused this exception. This file works ok for me. Can you send us idea logs? (it has more verbose exception description)

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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