Scala Plugin for Maya M1 release notes.
1) Features: optimize imports, unused imports highlighting and inline variable are beta. I'm really sure that optimize imports can fails in case impoted implicit defs, so be careful.
2) I tried to improve perfomance. This work is not ended, and I'm not sure how it works now. It would be great if you write to me your feelengs about perfomance (I mean if Implicits feature turned off, and it's still should be turned off on big files).
3) Maya M1 has internal problem. If you see exception like this: "Failed to bind stub to AST", it's strictly recommended to you to restart IDEA, because this exception can affect features like go to class. I'm not sure how often this bug can appear, but it can (from last update it should be more often because I tried to improve perfomance throw stubs, which you can see in exception message).
4) Diana update will be later.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
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I just look at Maya EAP page and see that version 10369 released.
I'll upload version for 10369 tomorrow, sorry for incoveniences.
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Both versions are added to plugins page now:
Diana 8.1.3 verison (build 9886) and Maya M1 version (builder 10372).
Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.
Be sure to use the M1 version of IntelliJ (, and not EAP 10369.