request: Ability to run tests on a package/module/project

Being able to run test for a single class is key, but also quite limiting. As scala systems grow, it will be necessary to be able to select a package and run all the ScalaTest tests in the package (or module or entire project).

What's strange is that I'm pretty sure that this was working just a few versions ago. All my scala tests extend JUnit3Suite, and I was able to create a JUnit config for the package and the tests would run. Now when I try that I get the fabled "no tests found" error. So now I limited to running tests one class at a time.



Yes. I think it must be added. I'll do it.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks. Running the tests is for me nearly as important as compiling -
it would break my TDD workflow if I was not possible run the tests after
every change or running them would be complicated.

Could we also get "Jump to Source" for ScalaTest, so that clicking the
test name in run results would jump to the test method? The same would
also be needed when running Specs framework tests with ScalaTest by
extending the ScalaTestSuite class (even the more so because Specs
doesn't appear to throw stack traces when tests fail).

Esko Luontola


I've added support for running specs tests via specs framework (not JUnit, ScalaTest etc.), so you'll see stacktrace with navigation from next update.
I'll add ability to run tests in package till next update, and I'll also try to add "Jump to source", but I'm not sure.
So just wait.

Best regards,
Alexander Podkhalyuzin.


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