No suitable license (Student account)
Hello everyone,
Yesterday I activated my student license in my Jetbrains account and accepted the terms and conditions. If I go to the "Your account/Notification" I can see, that I purcashed student license for 0.00€, but on my licenses page it says that I don't own any license and when I try to activate my Clion with Jetbrains account it says: "No suitable license". Any idea how can I activate my student version?
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Answered via email.
I have the same problem. Anna, could you help me out with that? Thanks!
The same issue with my account.
I have just activated a license in my acc and everything is ok. Thanks.
Everyone who had this problem: I just contacted via support and they sent me an admin approve
I have the same problem. How can I activate my student version? Thanks!
I have the same problem but with InteliJ Idea. Please help !
@284981, please contact sales:
Anna Falevskaya Anna Filippova
I have the same problem: No suitable licenses associated with account [username]
Hi @Msingh! Please contact sales ( as suggested in this thread.
I had the same issue.
parth tulsyan please contact sales:
Hi , i've got my students license in october of 2021, but there are no licenses listed in, so i can not activate Rider and Intellij on my linux laptop
Mozgy11 please contact sales:
Same problem
There are no valid licenses associated with the account
But with PHP Storm
Hello I have the same problem for Intellij
Julio Florez please contact sales:
There are no valid licenses associated with the account