No Runners Found ANNOYANCE

I am hoping someone has a workaround for something that has become a nearly constant, several times an hour, annoyance.

I have one and only one database connection configured. Within that connection there is one and only one accessible schema. What I need is a way to get Datagrip to understand that when I execute a SQL script there is one and only one option for connection & schema. 

As it stands right now every single time I open a script I have to also manually select the connection and schema. If I don't do that I get a “No Runners Found” error. This alone is just absolutely infuriating.

There is already a bug report but I am hoping someone has figured out a clever workaround for this annoyance. I have already tried adding a connection and schema resolution scope to a project. That does not seem to work either.

I just find it mind boggling that with one and only one possible correct answer I have to manually set this on every file in a project. That just cannot be the expected behavior.

1 comment
We have prioritized this issue and going to work on this usability case. For now, please follow the issue to stay updated on the progress

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