RubyMine does not create a Rubymotion project
I am evaluating RubyMine under OSX 10.10.1. When I create a Rubymotion project I get the following messages in the status window:
/Library/RubyMotion/bin/motion create --template=osx untitled2
Create untitled2
Create untitled2/.gitignore
Create untitled2/app/app_delegate.rb
Create untitled2/app/menu.rb
Create untitled2/Gemfile
Create untitled2/Rakefile
Create untitled2/resources/Credits.rtf
Create untitled2/spec/main_spec.rb
Process finished with exit code 0
But in fact nothing was created. What is going on here? Rubymotion does what it should do, when I use it via terminal.
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Please detail RubyMine and RubyMotion versions.
I have the same problem!
When I create a new Rubymotion app then I get a success message, the log shows that files are created but the directory tree is almost empty.
Almost means:
- When I create an OSX application the directory contains a subdir .idea
- When I create an IOS app the directory contains the .idea subdir and a Gemfile with three lines.
My versions here are:
OS: Mac OS X 10.10.1
Rubymine: 7.0.2
Rubymotion: 3.2
rvm: 1.26.8
ruby: 2.2.0
Problem exists also with older ruby 2.1.4.
Any ideas what I did wrong?