How do I enable the 80 column guideline?
I tried fiddling with the following settings but I can't seem to make RM display a 80 column guideline in the editor.
My coworkers all use vim/emacs, so they get iffy when my lines exceed 80 characters :)
- Code style > General : Right margin column(s)
- Editor > Appearance : Show right margin
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I've just checked this with RM 4.0.3 and it works for me.
What version do you use? What is your color scheme?
And (just to collect all information :)) what is your plarform?
With best regards, Oleg.
Please check whether Setting | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General | Right margin is a color that's visible against your editor background.
It's a custom color scheme called Solarized Light. And as you suspected, the color of the guide line was the culprit. As a matter of fact no color had been set. Setting it solved the problem!
Thank you!
Just for future reference in case someone else runs into the same issue:
I am using build 118.472 on Ubuntu Linux 64bit with the Solarized Light 3rd party color scheme.
PHPStorm 2023.1.2 on a Mac

With PHPStorm open, go to PHPStorm > Settings > Editor > Code style
Under the general tab, fill-in the Visual guides field.
Click Apply, OK
In the code window, now observe the guiding line in place.