How to always start with the power save mode on?


I didn't find a way to enable this mode at startup, any hint?



Hello erwann,

There is no such setting, and we don't plan to provide one. Power save mode
can be used as a workaround for specific performance problems, but it's not
designed to be used all the time.

I didn't find a way to enable this mode at startup, any hint?

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Hi Dmitry,

I run the latest version of RubyMine (3.2.4) and the 4.0 EAP (110.209) on a 2011 model Macbook Air (i7 1.8) running Lion, and I find that if I don't turn on Power Save Mode my system will churn away on the inspections, draining my battery much faster then normal, as well as causing the CPU fan to come on.

When Power Save mode is turned on this doesn't happen (the symptoms stop within 20 seconds if not less).

What is the best way to capture profiling information for you guys to fix this issue? I have also tried disabling all inspections, I think this helped a little bit, but the inspector still runs when power save mode off.

Matthew Savage


Hello Matthew,

If you experience performance problems with RubyMine 4 EAP, please submit
a CPU snapshot as described in

I run the latest version of RubyMine (3.2.4) and the 4.0 EAP (110.209)
on a 2011 model Macbook Air (i7 1.8) running Lion, and I find that if
I don't turn on Power Save Mode my system will churn away on the
inspections, draining my battery much faster then normal, as well as
causing the CPU fan to come on.

When Power Save mode is turned on this doesn't happen (the symptoms
stop within 20 seconds if not less).

What is the best way to capture profiling information for you guys to
fix this issue? I have also tried disabling all inspections, I think
this helped a little bit, but the inspector still runs when power save
mode off.

Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"

Permanently deleted user

Hello Matthew,

We've fixed one important perfomance glitch in first 4.0 EAP and I hope it will help in your case, however for better troubleshooting, we need your CPU snapshots captured.



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