RubyMine is set to 795M, I'm trying to remember if I set this awhile back but was wondering if this is too high?
Thanks, Jay
Upper bound is set to 800 mb (512 mb for heap + 250 permanent heap generation) in 32-bit and 1,3 GB (800 + 350) in 64-bit. RubyMine starts from 400 (128 + 250) mb in 32bit and 500 (128 + 350) mb in 64bit mode and increases mem size until upper bound when necessary.
We assume this defaults covers 95% projects and there is no need to increase max bounds. When heap becomes large GC pauses will occur more rare but pauses duration will increase. You can change the bound if you keep opened many projects simultaneously or if your project is enormous. But at first we recomment to 1) enable memory indecator in RubyMine settings and check memory usage 2) if almost mem is used - restart RubyMine and check mem usage again. If you are assume that you found a memory leak in RubyMine please capture a memory snapshot (see If RubyMine works slow and doesn't use all memory - please capture a CPU snapshot (
Upper bound is set to 800 mb (512 mb for heap + 250 permanent heap generation) in 32-bit and 1,3 GB (800 + 350) in 64-bit. RubyMine starts from 400 (128 + 250) mb in 32bit and 500 (128 + 350) mb in 64bit mode and increases mem size until upper bound when necessary.
We assume this defaults covers 95% projects and there is no need to increase max bounds. When heap becomes large GC pauses will occur more rare but pauses duration will increase. You can change the bound if you keep opened many projects simultaneously or if your project is enormous. But at first we recomment to 1) enable memory indecator in RubyMine settings and check memory usage 2) if almost mem is used - restart RubyMine and check mem usage again. If you are assume that you found a memory leak in RubyMine please capture a memory snapshot (see If RubyMine works slow and doesn't use all memory - please capture a CPU snapshot (
Thanks Roman, I haven't seen any performance issues but just wanted to know what is the standard.