Is there a way to run two or three specific RSpec files in one configuration?

I've tried all the usual suspects that might work from a command line - space separating the script files I want, attempting to supply a correctly-formatted incantation to the "Spec file name mask" field in run configurations, but can't get this to work.

Is it supported?  All I want to do is run two related spec files at the same time.

Permanently deleted user

I would use this feature all the time.
Feel free to vote for :
  "combine multiple test classes in 1 suite"

This is one of those "tiny" enhancements that can have a massive impact on your workflow and productivity.

Another cruelly missing feature is a 1-click button to revert all the changes you've done since the last green tests :
   "[revert to last green]" toolbar button/action


Thing is, I think I've already done this at some point and can't remember how!


You can create an save "All specs in folder" configuration and specify file name mask. I assume it will work.

Permanently deleted user

You can create an save "All specs in folder" configuration and specify file name mask. I assume it will work

No, not really.

If you practice BDD with cucumber, your work session to add 1 feature could be something like :
1:  -> create 1 Cucumber scenario - it's broken
2:    -> create 1 functional test - it's broken
3:     -> create 1 unit test      - it's broken
4:     make the unit test pass
5:    make the functional test pass
6:  make the C. scenario pass

Currently, there is no way to tell Rubymine : those 3 separate test files are a logical unit; run them together (all the time).
This is the kind of service an IDE should provide, via a simple interaction like suggested in

I don't want to have to wait years to see this coming; you should really make it way easier for us to extend Rubimine.
Look at Textmate and all the bundles written by 3rd parties. This is the way to go.


Hi Roman - I'm not sure what constitutes a "file mask" - I've tried regexes, lists, wildcards, you name it.  The only thing that seems to work reliably are * and ** - but I need to say "just contacts_controller.rb and articles_controller.rb, please".  A link to the type of file mask this field is expecting and what characters or expressions work would be very useful.



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