Custom file status indicator?

Is there any way in the plugin SDK to add a custom file status indicator to the standard ones:

I'd like to have my plugin show whether a file in the local project is out-of-date relative to the copy in the configured server, for example, the one in the server has been modified by another user.  This would be in addition to any status displayed for VCS purposes.

Thanks much!


What do you mean by "in addition"? The file status detemines the color of the file. If the file has a color already, you cannot apply another color in addition to the first one.

Permanently deleted user

Yeah, I almost reworded the question.  Let me do that now.  What I'd like to do is provide some visual indicator on files in the project as to whether their server counterparts have been modified and may require reconciliation.  The information that drives this indicator would be derived by intermittently polling the server for status of its copies of the files.  I guess my real question is whether there's an extensibility point that can be used 1) to manage and automate this polling; 2) to present this information so that it shows up prominently anywhere the file is displayed, e.g., the project view, the editor, etc.  Does that help clarify my needs?  Sorry for the ambiguity.


I guess the only way to display information everywhere where a file is displayed is to implement an IconProvider that would put an overlay over the icon of the file. The polling should be done by your code, I don't think we have anything in the API that could take care of that for you.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks, Dmitry.  That helps quite a bit.  I'll look at how I might provide a useful visual overlay via the icon.

Permanently deleted user

Hi Scott, I have this exact problem, did you manage to solve it and is there a public source code repository? 




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