[ANN] Spell Checker 1.0


New plugin version is available via Plugin Manager since build. Also we updated dictionaries, please update these too. The Plugin Manager have bug and will not report about new version of plugin and dictionaries available, you must update them manually.

We just released final contest version with some fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed bug for words written in two different language

  • Added support for popup action with translated Alt+Enter into Spelling submenu in editor popup menu.

  • Improvements in completion from dictionary.

  • Improvements for support subdictionaries as "Java Dictionary". Now Spell Checker handle all these correctly.

+Note: This plugin is not have dictionaries on board. Please install them via Plugin Manager (type "Dict" in search box) +

Thanks to all who help us to develop this thing.



Hello Alexey,

I've used the plugin now for a few days and here's a list of missing features/usability issues I
came across so far (in no particular order):

- Add option to ignore all uppercase words (might not apply to all inspections, e.g. Field names)
- Add option to ignore words with digits
- Add option to ignore internet and email addresses (http://..., name@domain.com)
- Add ability to configure ignored words as regexp

- Do not inspect @NonNls Strings
- Add option to only inspect @Nls Strings

- In XML use xml:lang (if present) to select the language
- Cannot suppress inspections in XML (use com.intellij.codeInspection.XmlSuppressableInspectionTool)

- There are too many inspections. IMHO it doesn't make sense to have separate inspections for class
names, field names, local variables and method names. This should be a "Check identifier names"
inspection with options for the different variants.

- There's no way to select a language. The spelling seems to be checked against all available
dictionaries. It should be possible to specify the language somewhere, preferably per inspection to
be able to assign different profiles to different parts of a project.

- Do not check stuff that looks like XML tags, especially in CDATA sections and XML comments E.g.
the inspections trigger on commented-out tag names in XML fragments.
- Do not check *.ipr, *.iml, etc. Makes no sense and the gutter-marks interfere with diff markers
when viewing diffs.

- XML entities (" etc.) are not handled properly
- Ignore "noinspection" comments and @SuppressWarnings strings

- JSPs are not handled properly: The plugin attempts to check HTML tags, attribute names, ]]>
contents, HTML class attributes, etc. Very annoying.




- Add option to ignore all uppercase words (might not
apply to all inspections, e.g. Field names)

Now for field names used NameUtil class to get words from string. Camel cases eq.
Are you sure that uppercased words must be ignored at all?

- Add option to ignore words with digits

Strange... Can you show screenshot with it? As i know, i should ignore them.

- Add option to ignore internet and email addresses

I've check it thanks!

- Add ability to configure ignored words as regexp

Good point, but might be performance issue...

- Do not inspect @NonNls Strings
- Add option to only inspect @Nls Strings

Yes it is planed, but not right now.

- In XML use xml:lang (if present) to select the


- Cannot suppress inspections in XML (use


- There are too many inspections. IMHO it doesn't
make sense to have separate inspections for class
names, field names, local variables and method names.
This should be a "Check identifier names"
inspection with options for the different variants.


- There's no way to select a language. The spelling
seems to be checked against all available
dictionaries. It should be possible to specify the
language somewhere, preferably per inspection to
be able to assign different profiles to different
parts of a project.

Jazzy can't work with different 'languages', we have some hacks for it but better way to rewrite jazzy from scratch....

- Do not check stuff that looks like XML tags,
especially in CDATA sections and XML comments E.g.
the inspections trigger on commented-out tag names in
XML fragments.
- Do not check *.ipr, *.iml, etc. Makes no sense and
the gutter-marks interfere with diff markers
when viewing diffs.

- XML entities (" etc.) are not handled properly
- Ignore "noinspection" comments and
@SuppressWarnings strings

Thanks for details!

- JSPs are not handled properly: The plugin attempts
to check HTML tags, attribute names, <script>
contents, HTML class attributes, etc. Very annoying.

Try to fix it...

Thanks a lot!


Hello Alexey,

>> - Add option to ignore all uppercase words (might not
>> apply to all inspections, e.g. Field names)

Now for field names used NameUtil class to get words from string. Camel cases eq.
Are you sure that uppercased words must be ignored at all?

Yes. This is a common option in other spell-checker tools (e.g. MS Word, Google Toolbar) and avoids
unnecessary noise with acronyms.

>> - Add option to ignore words with digits

Strange... Can you show screenshot with it? As i know, i should ignore them.

Hmm, I thought I've seen it, but maybe it was in the previous version or I just added this because
it's a common option as well and I didn't explicitly see in the in the config dialog. It seems to
work fine now. Never mind ;)

>> - There's no way to select a language. The spelling
>> seems to be checked against all available
>> dictionaries. It should be possible to specify the
>> language somewhere, preferably per inspection to
>> be able to assign different profiles to different
>> parts of a project.

Jazzy can't work with different 'languages', we have some hacks for it but better way to rewrite jazzy from scratch....

You could add that to your dictionary implementations and create different Jazzy instances for
different languages/dictionaries. Just a guess, I don't know how Jazzy works.



It would be nice to see this updated for IntelliJ 8.1 or 9.0.



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