Eclipse/external code formatter plugin

I'm planning on making a plugin for integrating the Eclipse code formatter into IDEA, as there were some people wishing for it[/url]. At the same time I'll add a generic support for any code formatter which can be executed on the command line.

The main benefit will be that teams who use multiple IDEs could easily have a common code style. In my previous work place I was the only IDEA user, everybody else used Eclipse, and in this kinds of environments it might be easier to blend in if you can maintain the same code style as all others.

What would you like to see in the plugin? I'll start the development in a week or two, so now is a good chance to make requests.

1 comment


the Eclipse formatter should be available in Idea just like the built-in one, e.g. you should be able to format selected text, a file or a folder with/without subfolders.

Input should be the exported Eclipse xml file plus the organize imports rules.

An ANT task would be great for our build crew and users of exotic IDEs.

Best regards


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