MKS Poll : how do you use it ?


as shows, I've taken over development of the MKS plugin.

I'm currently trying to add features based on how I use mks at my current company, but I'm not sure if this reflects how it is generally used.

For those of you that do use MKS
- do you use change packages ?
- do you use MKS source integrity linked to MKS Integrity manager ?
- are you happy with the current integration (basically achieving everything using the MKS GUI client, causing focus losts)

Permanently deleted user

Hi Thibaut,

very nice of you to invest so much effort in the MKS plugin (I still don't have enough time to join you, but maybe in the summer...)

- do you use change packages ?

Yes, we do use them a lot.

- do you use MKS source integrity linked to MKS Integrity manager ?

Yes, we use both parts of the MKS system.

- are you happy with the current integration (basically achieving everything using the MKS GUI client, causing focus losts)

Sort of.
What I like very much about the existing plugin is the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts (which my eclipse colleagues cannot do) as well as the "looseness" of the integration (my colleagues basically have to stop working whenever the MKS server is down because this blocks eclipse).
However, what I would really appreciate is the coloring of source files according to their status (like for files under CVS or SVN control), and gutter indication of changes between the edited file and the member revision.


Permanently deleted user

these are already supported by the committed trunk.

If you download the sources and manage to build the plugin (read the README.txt, and then you should be able to run "mvn package") you will have both.
You then can "install" this plugin by unpacking it in your $HOME$\.Intellij7.0\config\plugins folder, after removing the old one

You will also get your (as of our mks user) open MKS Change Packages to appear in the IDEA change list view, although no actual support beyond this is currently done.

feel free to try it and give me feedback :)

ps : i figured it would be easier to attach the current SNAPSHOT build, you should be able to extract it in you $HOME$\.Intellij7.0\config\plugins . Don''t forget remove the mks-idea-0.5.0.jar that you should currently have


- do you use change packages ?
- do you use MKS source integrity linked to MKS Integrity manager ?
sort of, by using our own deployment system.
- are you happy with the current integration (basically achieving everything using the MKS GUI client, causing focus losts)
much better than the eclipse "external tool" config, esp with idea 7 M1 "remove read-only status using vcs" - refactoring has become much faster.

what id'd like to see:
-checkin of entire module/project.
-automatically using ideas diff tool which is much better.

problems i have encountered:
-"import sandbox ambiguous" when right-clicking the project
-impossible to define multiple directory - to - project mappings per module.

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Nice to see i've another user :)

>> -checkin of entire module/project.
Would that just checkin regularly checked out files ? what of files locally created but not yet added ? what about the ones modified without checkout ?

>> -automatically using ideas diff tool which is much better.
This already partly done although not released.
If you happen to use build the plugin yourself from the google code subversion repository (using maven it should be a straightforward "mvn package", and you can then deploy it manually to your IDEA_USER_HOME/config/plugins), it's available from the changes tab.

Considering the issues,
- I have never witnessed the first one so would need more details on how to reproduce it.
- I don't understand what you mean for the second one.
VCS configuration should be done using IDEA ProjectSettings>Version Control menu. This activates the plugin on the selected folder, and any sandboxes defined beneath it should be taken into account

Anyway , feel free to create issues in the googlecode project (, you'll just need to create a google account if you don't already have one.

PS : what version of IDEA are you using ?


i will write a longer text regardign the pros and cons of the plugin later, but some quick feedback comes here:

using Version 7 M1. couldn't get it to work with the EAP build.

regarding the multi-folder issue: i have different directories attached to different .pj files. :(
i only managed to configure one "main" .pj file per project.

i will write a sum-up later in 2 weeks when i return from holiday.

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>>i only managed to configure one "main" .pj file per project.

This is strange , some of the projects I work on are using the "one subproject per folder" convention, but I've not been working with the released version of the plugin for a while, i'll give it a try.

Incidentally, this may motivate me to release a new version ;)


we are working with that convention too, and it seems to work for all subfolders fine.

but it does not work if the root folder consists of multiple .pj files

edit: while writing this i tried out something very obvious, which i sould have dome much earlier: before, i did not try to use the project.pj file, but instead the main_subproject.pj file.
right now i used project.pj and it suddenly worked. propably i rejected this method too early because the EAP crashed when i tried this.
in the idea 7 M1 it worked.

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Andreas P

Permanently deleted user

OK got it.

We've been told here to create pj files in their own folders when creating subprojects so i didn't try that.
And the plugin currently expects no more than 1 pj file per folder.

create to track it


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