logging System.err

I've released a plugin that has a bug. I suspect the plugin is throwing an exception somewhere that isn't caught/handled properly but I don't know where. Is there a way for me to redirect stderr to a file so my users can send me this file? I've tried doing the standard System.setErr(new FileOutputStream(...)), but it doesn't seem to be working.

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usually plugin errors are caught by IDEA platform itself and logged in $user_home$/.IntellijIdeaxx/system/logs


Right - if you want users to send you their log, the easiest way is to point them to Help->Show log in Finder/Explorer/whatever it is on linux.


IDEA uses log4j, but you get a logger from the openapi


I haven't figured out the best solution myself for creating my own log file without modifying the IDEA log configuration file.

You could try to configure an additional logger programattcaly in your plugin.

Or you can just log to the default intellij log file which is configured to log messages at INFO or higher. This has the advantage that the user can easily find the log from the "Show log" menu action.


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