HighlightVisitor in injection
In my custom language plugin I have java injection. I noticed that in injections do not work for visitors such as DefaultHighlighVisitor and HighlighVisitorIml. This is normal behavior, or is it possible to somehow fix it? In language that I realize can be very large inserts java code, and I would be happy if the visitors could get to work in injections.
Any ideas?
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The only thing I can suggest, is to take a look at:
Thanks for answer. I looked at this but I still can't understand why HighlightVisitorImpl is not parsing inserted elements. I have inject element thant implements PsiLanguageInjectionHost, and class that extend MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider for HTML support.
But when I used debug I saw that filter in runHighlightVisitorsForInjected() return only DefaultHighlightVisitor at the same time highlights in highlightInjectedSyntax() worked well.
When I tried extend HighlightVisitorImpl, override method suitableForFile and add class as extension in plugin.xml - highlight in injected elements missed. I think i created some loop by this brutal method.
public boolean suitableForFile(@NotNull final PsiFile file) {
return file.getViewProvider() instanceof RythmFileViewProvider; // it's my fileViewProvider that extend MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider and implements TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider
Did you specify Java as the language when you injected it? Perhaps link some code.
Yeh, I wrote this:
class RythmInjector implements MultiHostInjector
public void getLanguagesToInject(@NotNull MultiHostRegistrar multiHostRegistrar, @NotNull PsiElement element) {
multiHostRegistrar.startInjecting(JavaLanguage.INSTANCE).addPlace(getPrefix(), getSuffix(), element, new TextRange(0, getTextLength())).doneInjecting();
And I registered Injector.
<multiHostInjector implementation="com.hamstercoders.plugin.ide.injection.RythmInjector"/>
Sorry, now I can not upload my code anywhere to give a link to it.:(