HighlightVisitor in injection

In my custom language plugin I have java injection. I noticed that in injections do not work for visitors such as DefaultHighlighVisitor  and HighlighVisitorIml. This is normal behavior, or is it possible to somehow fix it? In language that I realize can be very large inserts java code, and I would be happy if the visitors could get to work in injections.

Any ideas?

Permanently deleted user

Thanks for answer. I looked at this but I still can't understand why HighlightVisitorImpl is not parsing inserted elements. I have inject element thant implements PsiLanguageInjectionHost, and class that extend MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider for HTML support.
But when I used debug I saw that filter in runHighlightVisitorsForInjected() return only DefaultHighlightVisitor at the same time highlights in highlightInjectedSyntax() worked well.

When I tried extend HighlightVisitorImpl, override method suitableForFile  and add class as extension in plugin.xml - highlight in injected elements missed. I think i created some loop by this brutal method.
public boolean suitableForFile(@NotNull final PsiFile file) {
      return file.getViewProvider() instanceof RythmFileViewProvider;          // it's my fileViewProvider that extend MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider and implements TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider


Did you specify Java as the language when you injected it? Perhaps link some code.

Permanently deleted user

Did you specify Java as the language when you injected it? Perhaps link some code.

Yeh, I wrote this:

class RythmInjector implements MultiHostInjector

 public void getLanguagesToInject(@NotNull MultiHostRegistrar multiHostRegistrar, @NotNull PsiElement element) {
      multiHostRegistrar.startInjecting(JavaLanguage.INSTANCE).addPlace(getPrefix(), getSuffix(), element, new TextRange(0, getTextLength())).doneInjecting();
And I registered Injector.
        <multiHostInjector implementation="com.hamstercoders.plugin.ide.injection.RythmInjector"/>

Sorry, now I can not upload my code anywhere to give a link to it.:(


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