KonaWorks PowerPack collisions with EditorTree and TabSwitch
The new 'KonaWorks PowerPack' plugin have shortcut CtrlShiftE (the same as EditorTree) and show popup with currently opened files (the same as EditorTree and TabSwitch).
So, this plugin deny using of installed EditorTree and do the same exactly as TabSwitch plugin. Not a very good behaviour for this feature of KoneWorks plugin, i guess...
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Hi Alexey,
First of all thanks for mentioning the issue.
We've seen the EditorTree and TabSwitch plugins, but colleagues of us had some
requests to have this functionality in a style like the one they were used to:
the 'Switch to Editor' (CtrlShitW) feature of WSAD.
We have implemented this new editor navigation (style) in a way that it tends
to behave like the Recent Files popup.
About the default shortcut: In my local environment I hadn't noticed the conflict (using a separate IDEA
install for the plugin sandbox). We'll think of an other shortcut. Maybe AltShiftE is an option.
(I'll check on that, but currently I'm at work, so it'll take a few hours to release.)
As i know, the TabSwitch make exact the same popup. But backport of WSAD feature must have CtrlAltW shortcut or CtrlShiftAlt+W, i guess.
Anyway, this feature look like duplicate one. No?
Hallo everybody,
why you dont try the "Describe Key" Plugin (StrgAltK) to test what any short-key does and reconfigure it for your purposes?
A plugin developer can't know any short keys of other plugins.
How it relative to shortcuts collisions?
It only shows the assignment of the typed short-key.
But you can find easylly collisions.
Oh, thanks.
I'm just using Keymap for it :)