How to set AutoscrollToSource in ProjectViewImpl?
I'm developing idea plugin and want set AutoscrollFromSource & AutoscrollToSource in the project view.
I found the following class com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.ProjectViewImpl that have the following methods:
- public void setAutoscrollFromSource(boolean autoscrollMode, String paneId)
- private void setAutoscrollToSource(boolean autoscrollMode, String paneId)
as you see setAutoscrollFromSource is public but setAutoscrollToSource is private so i can't call it, any one know how to set AutoscrollToSource ?? Thanks
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as far as I see they both public
Which Build is that?
12.1 has this code
this is 'isAutoscrollToSource' but 'setAutoscrollToSource' is private just above it in the same link
Sorry, it became public in October 2013
You can use Java reflection for 12.x plugins