Persisting State of Components
I'm trying to follow these instructions:
But I don't understand how this works, should I register my class somewhere? I've created a new class, implemented PersistentStateComponent with the @State annotation, but the getState and loadState methods are never fired.
@State( name = "User", storages = { @Storage(id = "default", file = "$MODULE_FILE$"), } ) public class User implements PersistentStateComponent<User>{ public String login = ""; public String password = ""; public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public void setLogin(String login) { this.login = login; } public String getLogin() { return this.login; } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } public static User getInstance(Project project) { return PeriodicalTasksCloser.getInstance().safeGetService(project, User.class); } @Nullable @Override public User getState() { System.out.println("getState()"); return this; } @Override public void loadState(User state) { System.out.println("loadState"); XmlSerializerUtil.copyBean(state,this); } }
<idea-plugin version="22"> <id></id> <name>Plugin display name here</name> <version>1.0</version> <vendor email="" url="">YourCompany</vendor> <description><![CDATA[ Enter short description for your plugin here.<br> <small>most HTML tags may be used</small> ]]></description> <change-notes><![CDATA[ Add change notes here.<br> <small>most HTML tags may be used</small> ]]> </change-notes> <depends>com.intellij.modules.lang</depends> <extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"> <projectService serviceInterface="model.User" serviceImplementation="model.User"/> </extensions> <application-components> <!-- Add your application components here --> <component> <implementation-class>control.InitPlugin</implementation-class> </component> </application-components> <!-- please see for description --> <idea-version since-build="107.105"/> <actions> <group id="MyPluasdgin.SampasdleMenu" text="TFS" description="Samasdasdple menu"> <add-to-group group-id="MainMenu" anchor="last" /> <action id="1" text="Product Backlog" description="A test masdasdenu item" /> <action id="0" text="Settings" description="A test masdasdenu item" /> </group> </actions> </idea-plugin>
What I'm doing wrong?
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Are you actually accessing your User class from somewhere else in your plugin code? Services are initialized on demand, so if you simply register a service and never use it, it won't be created and initialized.
Your PersistentStateComponent needs to be defined in xml file. So I usually make my application component or project component to implement PersistentStateComponent.
Second option is this:
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<applicationService serviceInterface="ru.scratch.ScratchData"
@State(name = "ScratchData", storages = {@Storage(id = "main", file = "$APP_CONFIG$/scratch.xml")})
public class ScratchData implements PersistentStateComponent<ScratchData> {....}
If i call ServiceManager.getService(ScratchData.class), and it is not defined in plugin.xml, then it returns null.
edit: ah, he has it defined, so you must be right.
That's true, but what does it have to do with syt's problem? He does register the service in plugin.xml.
Oh yes, I overlooked it.
And could the problem be that he uses @Storage(id = "default", file = "$MODULE_FILE$") but loads it using a project and not module.
Thank you guys this helped me a lot in a short time after trying a lot of things.
I always initialized my object by
and thought that it would internally restore the state.
The key to get it working is
besides I edited my storage information to
edit: and changed my class to application level:
Once again many thanks for the help!
If you're storing the settings in the application configuration file, you should register your class as an application level service, not a project level service.
You're right, i forgot to post it, i've edited my post now.
Hi, i want to serialize a map of maps, but idea always says
There should be a specific exception corresponding to the message box in your idea.log. Could you please post it here?