[ANN] IdeaScript v.0.5.1
IdeaScript is an XML based scripting language for Idea. It allows you to easily create scripts to codify repetitive tasks in our favorite IDE. The architecture is easily extendable so you can quickly create commands to make your scripts do whatever you want.
New Features in v.0.5.1
A more comprehensive manual available at http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IdeaScriptManual
Quick-help for commands and attributes via CTRL-Q (See home page for screen shot)
Dropdown list for property evaluation (See home page for screen shot)
Support for more sophisticated flow control. Iterate over the elements of an array, all the usgaes of a class, etc.
Make calls from one script to another.
More string transformations
Error handling
Else support for conditional (require-) commands
Please see the manual for elaboration on all these concepts and more.
Using IdeaScript, you can:
Create classes, methods, fields, etc.
Navigate to files, classes, or members within classes
Move the cursor anywhere around the editor and
edit the contents of the editor (cut, copy, paste,
Other miscellaneous commands
This is the second public release of IdeaScript. There is considerably more power available to you for writing scripts with the new flow control commands. I'd like to hear suggestions on commands that aren't present yet but that you would find useful.
IdeaScript is available at:
Please read that page completely so you don't miss anything. A short tutorial and a more comprehensive manual is also available from that page.
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