Error highlighting in Editors
Is it possible to have an Editor that shows on-the-fly error highlighting without putting
it into a Dialog(Wrapper), i.e. in a ToolWindow? I can successfully embed one into a
dialog, but inside a ToolWindow it just doesn't do any highlighting except for basic syntax.
The editor is an EditorTextField with a document that refers to a PsiCodeFragment instance
obtained by PsiElementFactory.createCodeBlockCodeFragment("java code", context, true);
Is there a reason and maybe a workaround for the missing error highlighting in tool windows?
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Anybody got an idea why this doesn't work?
Hello Sascha,
SW> Is it possible to have an Editor that shows on-the-fly error
SW> highlighting without putting it into a Dialog(Wrapper), i.e. in a
SW> ToolWindow? I can successfully embed one into a dialog, but inside a
SW> ToolWindow it just doesn't do any highlighting except for basic
SW> syntax.
SW> The editor is an EditorTextField with a document that refers to a
SW> PsiCodeFragment instance
SW> obtained by PsiElementFactory.createCodeBlockCodeFragment("java
SW> code", context, true);
SW> Is there a reason and maybe a workaround for the missing error
SW> highlighting in tool windows?
No, there is no workaround for this. The background error highlighting thread
updates the editors in a modal dialog if one is active, or the editors in
the main tabbed pane if no modal dialog is active.
Please file a JIRA request to enable highlighting for editors in tool windows.
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Dmitry Jemerov (JetBrains) wrote:
Hmm, the debugger's evaluation dialog isn't modal and it does work there. You probably
mean any dialog if it has the focus? Could I do these updates myself?
Hello Sascha,
>> No, there is no workaround for this. The background error
>> highlighting thread updates the editors in a modal dialog if one is
>> active, or the editors in the main tabbed pane if no modal dialog is
>> active.
SW> Hmm, the debugger's evaluation dialog isn't modal and it does work
SW> there. You probably mean any dialog if it has the focus? Could I do
SW> these updates myself?
Well, you can try to. Create a TextEditorBackgroundHighlighter passing EditorTextField.getEditor()
to its constructor (this class is not OpenAPI, but I guess you're used to
it. :) ). Call its createPassesForEditor() method to get an array of HighlightingPass
objects. For every HighlightingPass, call collectInformation() and then applyInformationToEditor().
Add asynchronous-ness to taste (I guess the text in the editor box is small
enough to perform all highlighting synchronously without adverse performance
I haven't tried implementing this myself, but that's basically what IDEA
does to update the editors, so that should work for you as well.
Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Dmitry Jemerov (JetBrains) wrote:
Sweet, I'll try that. Thanks a lot for the gory (non-OpenAPI) details ;)