Use of Kotlin & Gradle in 143.379 EAP
Getting various errors about unsupported libarary formats for kotlin libs.
Then lists the kotlin run and an RxKotlin lib.
Any ideas ?
Have tried deleteing all project info with no success, a new kotlin gradle plugin ? Am currentling using 0.14.449
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Ok found the kotlin gradle plugin of 1.0.0-beta-1038

Now I get
The support for external annotations has been removed in Kotlin 1.0 beta, so you need to remove the corresponding property from your build.gradle.
Thanks, seems to be up and running.
Still getting an error with the other lib, though not a jetbrains issue.
Are there any docs on the compatibility of formats between kotlin versions ? Or is this just because it's not released yet and no attempt to keep a consistent format ?
Changes between Kotlin versions are announced on the Kotlin blog. In this particular case, you started using a EAP build of IDEA with a new version of Kotlin before those versions of IDEA and Kotlin were announced, so the information wasn't available. Now the blog post is published: