Former .NET developer new to IntelliJ has questions
I am a reformed .NET developer now doing java development using Intellij. I tried both Eclipse and Netbeans and found Intellij to be the best, by far, when it came to intuitiveness and useability. I have had some problems getting used to a very different of working in Java vs. .NET. Specifically the following:
1. When if comes to Intellij IDEA what is being built when I rebuild a project via the build menu in IntelliJ vs. Maven and when should I use each?
2. The same question when it comes to building artifacts.
3. Should I use the integrated Git tools with IntelliJ or should I use only command line options?
3. I was trying to following the jetBrains example for creating a RESTful web service in IDEA but I could not find the RESTful Web Services plugin
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1. When if comes to Intellij IDEA what is being built when I rebuild a project via the build menu in IntelliJ vs. Maven and when should I use each?
That is a surprisingly (for me) good question.
(I have been using IDEA for a decade and have worked on a lot of maven based projects, but I have never really had to think about that.)
I think IDEA will compile all sources and copy all resource to the target folder(s). I am not sure if it will do anything else related to maven and maven plugins.
2. The same question when it comes to building artifacts.
Each artifact (Project Structure => Artifacts) has an option "Build on make".
Also each Run Configuration in IDEA allows you to configure which artifacts to build before executing ("Before launch ....").
I find the latter option more useful, for example when I start my local tomcat Run Configuration in IDEA it automatically builds the WAR that is configured for deployment.
3. Should I use the integrated Git tools with IntelliJ or should I use only command line options?
The git integration is great for most everything you need to do in regular project work.
Some features that I find especially usefull
* "Local Changes" toolwindow and the "Preview Diff" tool button on it, which shows an editable (!) "digest" view of your changes in that file.
* Searchable "Log" toolwindow
* You can watch the git commands that IDEA executes in the Console toolwindow
There are a couple of features of git that are not supported by IDEA:
* You cannot add remote repositories using IDEA
* Staging area and separating changes in a single file on separate change sets (IDEA always commits all changes in tracked file)
* The stash has no explicit interface (IDEA can automatically stash/unstash changes on update though)
Instead IDEA has its own concept of a "Shelf" which is pretty much the same, but implemented in IDEA itself and viewable in a toolwindow.
* multiple working copies (worktrees)
* git submodules
3. I was trying to following the jetBrains example for creating a RESTful web service in IDEA but I could not find the RESTful Web Services plugin
Are you using the Ultimate edition? (That feature is not in the Community edition.)
I am using Ultimate Edition. I do not see it. Also, How do I reference another module in the same project? If i have two modules, my middle tier and back end in one and my web interface in another, I do not see in dependencies where i can reference the middle tier module in the web interface.