132.719: "failed to create JVM"


I haven't seen this issue before.  I've been on 13 for months, doing the update every month, as required.  Is there some kind of log file I can view to see where the problem is?



When do you see this error?

Permanently deleted user

Immediately after launching the application.  The little splash screen comes up momentarily, the progress bar then reaches a certain point, and the splash screen is then replaced with a little error box with the above error message displayed.  No further progress is possible.

~Paul T.


Could you please attach a screenshot of the message, the log (http://devnet.jetbrains.com/docs/DOC-181), bin/idea.*.vmoptions file? Which OS are you using?

Permanently deleted user

This may not be your case, but I have seen it in mine.  I am running under windows and if I set the -Xmx setting in the vmoptions file to high (i.e. 1512 MB or more) it will cause this error.  Either set the -Xmx setting lower or run idea64.exe from the bin directory, if you are running under a 64 bit OS, and this will fix it.  Again, this was the problem I had and may not be yours.

Permanently deleted user

Yeah, I got this initially too - because I'd modified my IDEA configuration.

The first thing I always do to an IDEA installation is edit the idea.exe.vmoptions and idea.properties.

For the project I work on currently, I normally use -Xms512m -Xmx768m.  Works fine in IDEA 12, but breaks on the beta that was distrubted yesterday - in exactly the way you've described.
I assume this is not a JetBrains thing, but an Oracle thing - I'm guessing 13 is being distributed with a new internal JVM.

If you have been fiddling with your vmoptions like I was, try it with the original settings. You may find you don't need the extra heap anymore anyway.  
It seems we no longer have the option of compiling in-process, so a lot of the heap burden will transferred to the compiler sub-process.

Edit: Windows XP SP3, by the way.

Permanently deleted user


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