Leda RC OS-X 10.8 issues
I tried Leda RC with JDK 7 under OS-X 10.8 by (by setting the Java version in Info.plist to 1.7*):
- the splash screen really splashes (disappears after a short flicker)
- when I compile a 4.6 Flex project, I get an error message:
This Java instance does not support a 32-bit JVM.
The Oracle JDK 7 only comes in a 64-bit version. Is there a workaround or am I stuck with JDK 6 for Flex development?
The new UI looks cool, especially the Darcula theme. Looking forward to the release.
Thanks and regards,
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Please post these specific issues to YouTrack.
Also see http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-87919 for general state of JDK7 support on Mac.
The compiler is started with the "-d32" flag:
Starting Flex compiler:
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_09.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java -d32 -Dapplication.home=/Users/Shared/FlexSDKs/4.6.b.23201 -Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m -classpath "/Applications/Apps/IntelliJ IDEA 12.app/plugins/flex/lib/idea-flex-compiler-fix.jar:/Applications/Apps/IntelliJ IDEA 12.app/plugins/flex/lib/flex-compiler.jar:/Users/Shared/FlexSDKs/4.6.b.23201/lib/flex-compiler-oem.jar" com.intellij.flex.compiler.FlexCompiler 49244
Maybe under OS-X we need a -d32 switch to differentiate between JDK 6 and JDK 7 when starting the Flex compiler?
Thanks and regards,
By default Flex compiler is started with the same java that is used for IntelliJ IDEA startup. But this can be overridden in <Flex SDK>/bin/jvm.config file (java.home property). So you can continue running IDE under java 7 at your own risk, but for Flex looks like you need to use 32-bit compatible java 6. When IntelliJ IDEA switches to java 7 by default we'll fix the problem with Flex compiler startup.
Hi Alex,
I am using the <Flex SDK>/bin/jvm.config option - it works fine.
Thanks and regards,
For those of us using flex-mojos there is no <Flex SDK>/bin/jvm.config folder.
I was able to work around this within IDEA by simply adding -d64 to the VM Options of:
Settings -> Compiler -> Flex Compiler -> VM Options
The -d32 flag still shows up but turns out that a following -d64 cancels it out.
Platform: OSX, Leda 123.111, Oracle JDK 7.
Now my flex app can compile and run.