Disabled/Missing Messages window
I am on version 11 build 111.69. When I go to the View/Tool Windows menu list, the Messages window is disabled, and I don't see the window displayed anywhere in the IDE. Am I missing something obvious or is this a bug?
Regards, Guy
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I am not sure how this happened, but when I returned to my computer, the Messages window is now being shown and the menu item is no longer disabled. So, perhaps my question now is, what would disable/hide it?
Regards, Guy
Hello Guy,
The Messages toolwindow is available when there are some messages to display.
If you run IntelliJ IDEA and do not perform any compile or build operations,
the Messages toolwindow will not be available because there's nothing to
display there.
Dmitry Jemerov
Development Lead
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with Pleasure!"
I have the messages window set up as Pinned and Docked.
Yet it disappears when I do a rebuild. Is this intentionally?
This behavior makes the GUI restless; I would prefer otherwise.
Apologies for reviving an old thread, but I'm also struggling with this behaviour. The summary by André van Delft that the behaviour "makes the GUI restless" seems a good description to me.
So is there any way to make the Messages window be displayed permanently, even when there is nothing to display? I'm finding it quite distracting that it briefly disappears each time I kick of a new build.
Here is a similar feature request on YouTrack:
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