How about FlexStorm ?

I am a long time IDEA user (from version 2.5) and switched from Java development to fulltime Flex development about 2 years ago. As soon as Flex support in IDEA was available, I made the switch from Flex Builder back to IDEA because I think it is the best coding environment for Flex. I downloaded PyCharm to give it a try and also bought PhpStorm for quick HTML/JavaScript etc editing - I really like the integrated server access via FTP and SFTP. The startup time of these new IDEs is much faster and the feel in general is much snappier than IDEA - so how about a dedicated coding IDE for Flex without those million Java plugins?
There are more reasons:
- most Flex coders (e.g. Flex UG Hamburg) do not even know about IDEA
- might be easier to sell to Flex coders at a moderate price (like PhpStorm)
- it would be easier to compete with Flex Builder and FDT
- the upcoming profiler would be a complete overload for IDEA

Please consider!

Kind Regards,


Could you please install
0.1.5a and attach log file from flash player in ~/

Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt 
(I beleive you should have
ErrorReportingEnable=1 in mm.cfg already)

Attached please find the Flash Player logfile.



Ok, in profiler section of run configuration settings please set host to be and try profiling again,
"localhost" seems not mapped to for some reason (IPv6 or network settings probably).
Plugin version 0.1.5 has the problem fixed, please check out.


I am using instead of localhost with 0.1.5 - same result (Profiler agent disconnected), as soon as Flex application starts.



With the incredible progress that's been made with the Flex plugin for IntelliJ X, if you guys could bundle the Flex plugin with Webstorm and still sell it for $149/$69, you could absolutely dominate the market in Flash/Flex IDEs. For example, people are completely willing to buy Sourcemate for FlashBuilder which is a $79 plugin that simply adds some refactoring/generation features (

I already highly recommend IntelliJ to everyone I know, but the sad truth is that everyone already has an IDE and the price of buying a new one is a HUGE factor in switching over.

I would absolutely love for this discussion to continue and to hear any more feedback from people within Jetbrains who make these sorts of decisions.

p.s. - I would strongly discourage using the name "FlexStorm" since Adobe is known for strongly protecting the "Flash" trademark. Webstorm would be perfect.


Since IDEA 10 is getting close to release, it would also be nice (for Jetbrains) to know what are the most important missing features.
I think having some form of code coverage would be a nice feature for post-v10.


It would be nice to hear what the final feature set target is for v10, then we could have a better idea of what we could talk about for post v10.


Given that IDEA releases are usually towards the end of November, I would not expect major new features, but rather bugfixes and performance/stability improvements until then.


It would be fun to get a community of flex/flash devs together to pitch ideas. Would you be interested in that?


Hi John,

My first feature suggestion for IDEA 11 would be a simple but productive feature:

Apart from that, the usual and endless polishing:
* better QuickFixes (finally a "create local variable" QuickFix?)
* better "Create From Usage" fixes (create matching constructor for non-existing class, etc)
* more inspections ( and would be low-hanging fruit)
* better test support (Ctrl-Shift-T, aka "Go To Test", "Generate..." entries for before/after/test methods)
* support for latest FlexMojos
* code coverage (if possible, not sure what tooling is out there today that could be used)
* some obvious convenience refactorings ("Move to upper level" for internal types)
* some useful intentions, like "replace 'with' statement with introduced variable")
* code insight features like "highlight implementing methods"
* a more sensible "delete unused class" QuickFix (

Do you have any specific feature that you miss, or particular annoyances still present in the latest build?
Since I only use the Flex support part-time, it wouldn't hurt to ask some power users like Joa Ebert or Joel Hooks)



The biggest missing issues:

Promoting local vars to fields:
Refactoring - {} and [] do not form expressions for refactoring:
Create intention open unnecessary tab if a window with the class is already open:

The features I want the most:

Reformat - Use Element Ordering:
XML keyboard shortcut improvements:


I tried the profiler plugin 0.2.2 and it only gives very basic information at this time. I would appreciate something similar to what Flex Builder and FDT offer. The profiler is actually the only feature where IDEA is behind the competition.

Thanks and Regards,


Just curious, have you looking for memory leaks or performance bottlenecks ?


Mainly I check for memory leaks, but finding performance issues is also important.



10.5 EAP - about time for a dedicated Jetbrains Flex IDE with a nice FB/FDT like Flex Profiler and you will blow the competition away. C'mon guys, I know you can do it ;)
I also would prefer to debug frontend and backend code in two different IDEs rather than in two instances of IDEA.



Following Maxim on twitter might provide some information ;)


Wow, looks like good news. I downloaded the Flex UI Designer plugin - seems that it loads ok, but I cannot figure out how to access it. Any help?

Thanks and Regards,


Flex UI Designer (currently, it is viewer) plugin second EAP will be available at this week. Watch You can see video about first EAP


Agreed, Just pointing on issue and it is up to the Idea team to decide how to implement this if at all. Need a way to reasonably format a code, I thought that requirement is reasonable and makes sense.



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