Debug certificate expired on 12/2/10 10:51 PM
I upgraded from IntelliJ IDEA 98.311 to IntelliJ IDEA 10.0 today. It's still EAP, right? 98.311 worked under my IntelliJ IDEA 9 license; with this upgade I switched to evaluation version 30-days - as it was suggested.
Now I can compile my existing Android application, but cannot run it: it gives me "Debug certificate expired on 12/2/10 10:51 PM" error. I tried to rebuild app, but it didn't help.
Any suggestions of how to resolve this issue?
Thank you
Vladimir Kelman
Google Profile
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(on Linux and Mac OS X) (or on Windows). IDEA then generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package. You can report this problem to the tracker (, and we'll look for workaround.It seems, this is a common issue related to all android building tools (IDEA, Eclipse, ANT)
Please, delete your debug certificate under
Thank you Eugene. It was simple and helped immediatelly. I reported it to a bug tracker: issue/IDEA-62734