Did the trick for me. Seems OSX is force rendering apps on the background even when they are not in the use, and for some reason this makes AppCode to run like crazy.
I am also having very high CPU usage in OSX (10.10)
I opened up a relatively small project and got the following CPU usage in activity monitor:
I also took a CPU profile which is attached. I would really like to use webstorm but at this point it gets so slow on my macbook air that I can't use it.
Edit: I just realized I posted a reply to the wrong thread, sorry about that
Please try to capture CPU snapshots https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/29983118-Reporting-performance-problems and attach your idea.log and any threaddumps to new issue http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA#newissue=yes
Try switching off the Transparency on Maverics.
Did the trick for me. Seems OSX is force rendering apps on the background even when they are not in the use, and for some reason this makes AppCode to run like crazy.
I am also having very high CPU usage in OSX (10.10)

I opened up a relatively small project and got the following CPU usage in activity monitor:
I also took a CPU profile which is attached. I would really like to use webstorm but at this point it gets so slow on my macbook air that I can't use it.
Edit: I just realized I posted a reply to the wrong thread, sorry about that