Is there any way to display the full path of the file in IntelliJ's menu bar?
This would be really helpful. Currently if I'm editing, I see: - [module name] - [project location] - Intellij IDEA (Nika) IU-111.24
but it would be really useful to see that is in src/main/resources. Is there a way to enable this?
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The path is shown at the frame's title:
Thanks Denis, but on my MacBook Pro (running OS X Lion) I do not see this. I just see the file name, not the full path:
Attachment(s): - [Maven_ org.mortbay.jetty_jetty_6.1.22] - [~_Projects_Opower] - IntelliJ IDEA (Nika) IU-111.24.jpg
Just checked the sources and yes, file path is not shown for Mac.
Will check that with the guy that programmed that.
On OS X you can Ctrl+Click on the windows title bar. This will show a popup with the full path (just like in Finder), which you can use to navigate the path in Finder.
You mean this?

Yeah, that's better than nothing, but I would prefer if I could just look up and see what the full path is. You know, when I've got a file open called "" and there are a million different versions in my workspace. However, I see that Finder, TextEdit and TextMate all handle displaying the full path the same way, so I guess it makes sense that IntelliJ is doing it this way.
OK, after a little more research, I've found a fix for Finder:
But this does not fix it for IntelliJ. Does anyone know if there is a different system property, to enable display of the path in the title bar for IntelliJ?
If you are not able to find such a setting, a work around for you might be to use the File Info Plug-in. While it is not as ideal as having it in the title bar, you can use a single hot key to get all the info you are looking for. (It works for the currently focused editor file, or the selected file in the project tool window or nav bar.) Then a simple ESC to close. (It is also available via the context menu.) In addition to info on the file, it has some buttons to quickly copy information (full path, fully qualified name, file name) to the clipboard.

It's an older plug-in, but still works in IDEA 10 & 11. As an FYI, the plug-in defaults to using a hot key that conflicts with the run command (if I remember correctly). So you will likely want to change it's assigned keyboard shortcut.
Can we vote this up as important feature to add ? Its very nice to have and I relied on it a lot with IDEA 10.
I totalt agree with you. I miss the info I had in 10 a lot.
Together with this and bug in merge window (svn), I have rolled back to version 10. My company have just ugraded ap. 40 licenses.
Thanks Mark, the File Info plugin helps!
I'm still in favor of adding adding a feature for this, though; even if it's something that's off by default.
Same here, please fix. I like many of the improvements in 11, but this is a setp backward from 10.
Is there any update on this? I am seeing the same issue in intellij12. It is very convenient to have the full path of the current file at the top title bar. I upgraded recently and would like to have that feature added to 12 if possible.

funny enough, on linux I still see whole file path...(EAP 12.02)
It is not complete replacement for your request but you can switch on
"show directory for nonunique file names" in Settings|Editor|Editor Tabs
On 1/10/2013 12:27 AM, scott soward wrote:
Thank you for the reply. In truth however, appending the directory name before the file name on that file's tab (only if the file's name is nonunique ie. pom.xml) does not come close to having the full file path in the title bar. The current title bar in intellij12 shows the filename and the directory name so turning on directory in the editor tab for non-uniques is redundant info.
So far the closest solution is checking View/Navigation Bar, this takes up space and clutters the top toolbar area but provides the same info that we had in intellij10.
Someone would probably have to open a feature request before it can be upvoted:
I created a request, lets vote it up.
IJ13 on OS/X still has this deficiency. IJ14 has problems with quasiquotes so I do not use it yet.
I bumped the bug report. hoping for the best!
The best solution I found is (phpstorm 2017.2.4) got to view->Navigation bar
Still a problem in GoLand 2019.3.2
I found a config for that.
I reinstalled my system and installed the last phpstorm version (2020.1). I found the full path of file was missing in the system bar under debian 10 with KDE Plasma and I only saw the file name in the system bar.
However, there is an option under Settings > Appearance & behavior > Appearance > Window options > always show full path in window header that you can enable to show the full path of the file in the window system bar.
Now it appears :)
Thanks Sebastien, When I upgraded from pycharm 2019 to 2020 I noticed that I wasn't getting the path in my title bar anymore and I couldn't find the option to turn it back on. Now I'm getting the full path again.