WYSIWYG Javadoc viewer/editor?

When editing javadocs in IntelliJ, you normally just see the raw html in your source file.

I would love have an option to right click on some javadoc block in my source file, and in the context popup menu, select an option to see how the html actually renders.  Ideally the html would be rendered in place, but even if was just displayed in a popup window (e.g. because that is simpler to implement), that would be an improvement.

This is especially useful for really complex javadocs (e.g. for a class), where you have more complicated html structure that can easily be mistyped.

It looks like other people have been calling for this for years as well.

I think that this functionality is completely absent from the base IntelliJ install.

Does it exist in some plugin that I have overlooked?

Should I put in a request to the IntelliJ developers?

Permanently deleted user

captainmidnight wrote:

I would love have an option to right click on some javadoc block in my source file, and in the context popup menu, select an option to see how the html actually renders.  Ideally the html would be rendered in place, but even if was just displayed in a popup window (e.g. because that is simpler to implement), that would be an improvement.

You can view the formatted Javadoc by opening the quick documentation window (Ctrl+Q or J or View > Quick Documentation from the menu). You can either do it with your cursor some where in the Javadoc you are editing, or by with the cursor on the method/field/class name.



Mark, Ctrl-Q with my cursor in the desired javadoc works perfectly (brings up a dialog with the formatted html).



That may help:  [JavaDoc Clean Read]( https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10828-javadoc-clean-read ) plugin for IntelliJ platform IDEs.
Let me know in issue tracker if any issue or needs in functionality.



I wonder if Jetbrains considered to display a preview of the Javadoc right on the editor. See the included screenshot as an approximation of this idea. Of course, it can be much nicer and better integrated. :)

It would be incredibly helpful to easily read the documentation.

In order to edit the javadoc, you could just click on the preview and it would turn into the real code for editing. In a similar way inner classes are turned into "lambdas" or Android String resources are turned into text preview.

Seeing a nice HTML javadoc on top of classes and class members would be an awesome feature.

Thank you!


Permanently deleted user

@Artsiom Chapialiou 

Thx, it's very helpful!


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