Is there any way to see the maven dependecy tree?

Lets say I have bunch of maven dependencies, and a couple of them depend on the same underlying subdependency, and I want to find out which. Is there any way to see a dependency graph/tree on maven-module-level in IntelliJ IDEA? Or any way to quickly check what subdepenencies a given maven dependecy relies on?


You can use maven dependencies graph under "Dependencies" node of a project in IDEA maven toolwindow.
Or use maven dependencies diagram, see how to open it at


My project is a gradle project (which has a lot of maven-based dependencies) so I don't have that option. Is there no way to do this with gradle projects?


The feature planned for IDEA 14.1, meanwhile you could use 'dependencies' gradle task.


For anyone else coming here, I just found that the plugin named  Gradle View by "rholder" does pretty much exactly what I was asking for. Yay :)


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