Mavenizing Idea Community Edition
I really believe that Maven is the best build system. Since Idea is now open source I started switching to Maven.
If anyone is interested and willing to help, just clone my repository at GitHub:
To clone:
Branch: mavenize
More details:
Thanks for opening Idea. And thanks for using Git. That makes developing so much easier for non-commiters...
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I doubt everyone would agree with your statement that maven is the best,
some would say that gradle is much better
On 10/21/2009 10:45 PM, Johannes Schneider wrote:
I doubt everyone would agree with your statement that maven is the best,
some would say that gradle is much better
On 10/21/2009 10:45 PM, Johannes Schneider wrote:
I doubt everyone would agree with your statement that maven is the best,
some would say that gradle is much better
On 10/21/2009 10:45 PM, Johannes Schneider wrote:
I doubt everyone would agree maven is the best
some would say gradle is far supperior, +1 to this
On 10/21/2009 10:45 PM, Johannes Schneider wrote:
Which is why he stated "I believe", clearing indicating he was stating his opinion and not a fact. Let's not start a build system holy war here. The OP is interested in putting IDEA community into Maven and asked if anyone else was interested in such. If you are not, then that's fine. No discussion needed
Chances are extremely rare this contribution (mavenizing) will be merged into original JetBrains branch. So, whoever will maintain maven build for CE will have to constantly update it with latest changes in CE project structure we do in main stream, and we usually do a lot.
Do you use Ant as your current build?
Ant + Gant
We build right from IDEA *.iml files using in-house but open source JPS system, which is based on gant. See:
Basically, whatever IDEA project is the build script looks briefly like:
includeTool << Jps
IdeaProjectLoader().loadFromPath(project, "${home}")
It actually worth looking into build/scripts folder