GWT 1.6 issue with Maia
I've moved an application from GWT 1.5 with Idea 8.1.3 to GWT 1.6 with Maia EAP and I've experienced a problem when running the application.When I start up the application with the following URL:
The GWT browser comes isn't able to display any content. If I change the URL to:
The same message show up. If I try the original URL in Chrome I get the initial heading of the webpage, but the GWT application doesn't seem to display the components I've laid out in GWT code, but at least part of the web page is shown.
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
Configuration: Maia build 10313, JDK 1.6.0_13, GWT 1.6.4
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Please check this topic.
Could be resolution.